About Us


ZooAmerica® North American Wildlife Park is a home for more than 200 animals native to the continent of North America. We are located on 11 acres of landscape featuring native plants and landscaping in Hershey, PA – situated in-between the thrills of Hersheypark® and the chocolate-making business of The Hershey Company. Visit us for an adventure into the wild of North America today!

girl looking up at her parent in sunlight


To care for, protect, and support our animal residents all the while informing, educating, and sharing them with our guests and the greater community.

kid in Hershey Kisses shirt petting an iguana


ZooAmerica has been educating and entertaining guests for more than 100 years. In that time, we have gone from being an exotic animal menagerie to a world-class, accredited wildlife park for North American animals and plants.

Discover How
pronghorn fawn


ZooAmerica is always eager to bring on talented individuals – including naturalists, educators, and support staff – who are as passionate about wildlife and conservation as we are. Positions are limited and seasonal. Feel free to check back frequently for more information.

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Living Our Legacy

Hershey Entertainment & Resorts is proud to help fulfill the dream of our founder, Milton S. Hershey, by providing value to Milton Hershey School, the largest home and school in the world, as it continues to provide opportunities for children in need.